Whaleshares Logo

Welcome to Whaleshares, a Decentralized Social Society

What are you interested in?


Share Your Interests

Post about topics that interest you and interact with others who share them!


Create Unique Content

Create and share art, photography, poems, politics, or whatever else is on your mind.


Meet Like-Minded People

Network with communities of like-minded individuals who share your interests.


Reward Others

Spread the love, Comment and Tip content shared by others to show your appreciation.


Create and Join Pods (Communities)

One of the fastest ways to meet new people who share the same interest as you is by joining Pods.

Pods are created for users, by users. Simply search by interest and get connected.

Cannot find what you are looking for? No problem, you can create your own Pod in no time.


Earn Daily Rewards

Whaleshares offer its users the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency rewards for posting and sharing content that interests them that others find value in. Additionally, cross-chain WhaleTokens can be earned and used to further boost your earning potential.

Your account includes a built-in wallet to manage your earned and staked WLS tokens.